Bootleg Japanese Pokemon Gold

I recently bought a bootleg Japanese Pokemon Gold Version off of ebay. I did fully knowing it was a fake. I will be posting a guide on how to recognize bootlegs in the future. I will have a review up soon and eventually a comparison to a legit copy (not just with pictures but with actual game play). Below I point out the differences on the fake label and compare it to a real copy.

1. Label Corners are much rounder
2. These numbers should not be in this area
3. Ho-Oh has a different position on the fake label then on the real one
4. This symbol should not even be printed on the label 

REVIEW: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire

New! Nintendo considering two new Pokemon games for 3DS

I am starting this blog with some big news. Nintendo yesterday teased two new games on a Japanese TV show entitled "The Professionals". Two demos were on display: what looks to be a follow up on Pokemon Trozei and its potential for a future downloadable release and a detective game featuring the well known Pikachu where you, along with Pikachu, will solve crimes and ultimately fight an evil version of Pikachu. In this game Pikachu will possibly *gasp*.... speak... real human words. It is expected to have a 3DS release in 2015.
  The Trozei lookalike

The mystery game


Welcome! This is my new blog where I will talk about everything video games. Here I will cover everything from Zelda to Play Action Football. I plan to say within the Nintendo branding though. Well here we go!